Arjuna (Terminalia Arjuna) means „shining bright“ in Sanskrit. Around the world it is known by different names: Arjun, Ajrhan, Anjani, Arjon… It certainly has been a shining star in Ayurvedic preparations for more than 5000 thousand years. It is native to India, Sri Lanka e.g., Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and also found in the Deccan region, mainly on the riversides.
This medicinal plant is sourced from a tall evergreen tree that may reach a height of up to 30 metres. The bark surface has grey smooth „shining” texture, but its deeper layers reveal a pronounced red colour.
The name celebrates the Hindu warrior Arjuna from the Mahabharata. He was one of five Pandava brothers who fought against their cousins in the Battle of Kurukshetra. On the eve of the battle, Arjuna debated the ethics of war with Lord Krishna as he did not want to strike against his family. This dilemma from Arjuna’s noble heart forms most of the Bhagavad Gita, a sacred Hindu text.
It is fitting that within Ayurveda teachings, the Arjuna plant supports heart health in both its physical and emotional states.A powerful rejuvenative, it brings endurance, strength and protection. It also has a particularly calming effect in times of stress.
Traditionally, Arjuna is taken in its powdered form; the bark-powder can be mixed into ghee, warm water, or milk with honey. However, some people prefer to use a liquid extract or for convenience and quicker assimilation. The active ingredients are anti-oxidants: polyphenols and flavonoids.
What makes our product special?
We offer Arjuna in the most natural form – bark pieces. You can freshly shred the bark into smaller pieces, (best to use garden scissors), to make a vital tea concoction. We recommend drinking it with milk and honey to taste. Please be mindful of the dosage as the the plant is extremely potent. For more information, please see the caption dosage on our website.