
The Good News: The Vitamin D and COVID-19

The link between Vitamin D and resistance to COVID-19

The link between Vitamin D and resistance to COVID-19 has been studied intensively over the last two years. Does a deficiency of Vitamin D cause a serious reaction to this virus? While data demonstrating a clear correlation of factors between those needing intensive care and those with minor symptoms has yet to be established, one thing is clear. Vitamin D is a vital resource to help prevent and help recovery from COVID-19.


The first cases of COVID-19 were recorded in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared a pandemic on March 11, 2020. Yet disease caused by coronaviruses is nothing new. Remember the epidemics caused by this type of virus – SARS in 2002 and MERS 2012. All three respiratory syndromes can be fatal.  However, COVID-19 is particularly potent, outperforming SARS and MERS with extremely high infectivity. As it spreads through the air, distance and proper hygiene measures are suitable prevention. What else can we do to help ourselves?

Attack on the organism

The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 penetrates the human body through one of the enzymes and manages to hide from cellular immunity by means of a special protein protection, the so-called protein cap. It is thus identified as harmless and begins to replicate its own RNA (ribonucleic acid), in which it stores its genetic information. [1][2] The immune system can’t kick into gear, especially in elderly patients with weaker defenses and associated diseases.

Vitamin D vs. COVID-19

Here’s the good news. Vitamin D is essential for the immunity of the human body and controls the system that the coronavirus uses to enter host cells. [3] For this reason, at the outset of the epidemic experts focused on the importance of vitamin D.

In March 2020, the first analysis of patients with COVID-19 were established. The results of the research underwent scientific opposition and were published in professional journals. We have selected studies from Italy and the USA for you:


Italy was the first European country to be severely affected by COVID-19. The study was conducted in Bari in the south of the country between March 11 and April 30, 2020. The analysis focused on 42 hospitalized patients who tested positive for COVID-19. Vitamin D deficiency (Hypovitaminosis) was found in 81% of them. The conclusion of the study is emphatic: after 10 days of hospitalization, patients with Vitamin D deficiency had a 50% risk of mortality compared to those with higher vitamin D levels (≥10 ng / ml) at 5% mortality. [4]


Researchers at the University of Chicago state that almost 50% of the US population has Vitamin D deficiencies. In their cohort study, they focused on patients between March 3 and April 10, 2020. They compared their current results with data measured one year before the onset of COVID-19. The 489 patients who had the required data showed the following: tests for COVID-19 were 1.77 times more likely to be positive in people with Vitamin D deficiency. [5]

The importance of Vitamin D from these studies speaks for itself. Vitamin D deficiency (Hypovitaminosis) increases the risk of respiratory infections. Researchers also recommended that Vitamin D levels should be part of the examination and prognosis of patients tested positive for COVID-19.

How to achieve ideal levels of vitamin D?

As we know, the sun is a unique source of Vitamin D. The vitamin is formed in the skin by the action of the sun’s rays or UVB radiation. Vitamin synthesis occurs after just 10-15 minutes of exposure. According to the website of the Czech Ministry of Health, tanning twice a week for at least 20 minutes will provide 90% of the recommended amount of Vitamin D. [6] The ideal time to stay in the sun is between 10.00 and 14.00.

Food also supplies us with a certain amount of vitamin D. It is mostly offered by fish with a high fat content (herring, eel, salmon), egg yolks, butter and mushrooms.

In winter or with limited exercise in the sun, dietary supplements may work well. They are intended for short-term use and ideally supplement missing vitamins.


According to the latest studies, Vitamin D significantly supports immunity and probably plays an important role in the fight against COVID-19. It is also essential for optimal bone and dental health (in combination with vitamin K2) regulating the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the body. It also maintains adequate levels of calcium in the blood and ensures normal muscle function.

Vitamin D from Harmony is Life®

We offer Vitamin D in combination with Vitamin K2 in the form of easily absorbable tablets. Making this part of a daily routine is something positive we can do to support our health.  

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